
Pink Fluff

"Green would be nice, I think...."
"How about pink?"
"Hmmmm..... not bad, feminine too."
"We can put in the princess crown & balerina tutu..."
"Alrighty, Pink it is!"
"Better don't buy normal hair dye.... Might be allergic to it.... How about getting edible colorant?"
"Yeah those that we use for baking kuih & cakes.... I think can get in Giant hypermart nearby."
"Let's go since I ran out of corn flakes. Might as well grab a box while we're there."
And the ultimate masterpiece......

Ladies & gents
presenting for the first time
the female maltese (aka B**ch, oopppppsss!)

Don't you feel the Deepavali spirit already?


App|EyEe^ said...

aiyor...is it your housemate's doggie? u naughty la...haha

teddytimtim said...

not me... i din dye her... hse mate is very excited to color her pink for deepavali :P