
I am what I was

It's been two years since I left Uni and started to stand on my own two feet. No more exams, no more assignments and no more squabbling team mates. Vividly, I remembered my first day at work. So eager, so care-free. Singing along to the cheap radio, blarring my off-pitch voice in my mini yellow taxi all the way to work. I was on cloud nine.

The colleagues were good, I found friends worthy of a life-time. Til this day, we gather occasionally to share little giggles and life experiences over good food. I really missed them.

And I also just realised this one thing ~ I often blog about the past. The vibrant past. Why? It strucked me. Was I too deep into everyday's hassle that I did not stop to appreciate all things that I have at that one moment in time? No, I've always felt alive because I have a vibrant past. I am what I am because I was what I was. Vibrant... and will continue to be!

Don't give up!! Tomorrow will be better ^_^

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